I am a military historian, ex regular officer and battlefield guide.  The purpose of this blog is to promote my businesses and the causes I support.  I want to share some of the things that I find fascinating about military history and why battlefields and battles matter.

My business interests include:-

  • Gunner Tours which provide battlefield tours for people interested in gunners and gunnery.
  • Air Power Tours offers tours to people interested in military aviation history and the impact of air power.
  • British Battlefields which promotes travel to battlefields and military heritage in Britain.
  • Business Battlefields is a corporate event business that offers a different type of day out, and the opportunity to explore the lessons that military history can offer to commercial organisations seeking to survive and thrive in a competitive environment.

I offer my services to tour operators as as a battlefield guide through Baldwin Battlefield Tours. 

I support several causes

  • The Battlefields Trust is a UK based charity dedicated to preserving battlefields , interpreting and developing them for heritage and educational purposes.
  • Men Behind the Memorial is a campaign for a national pilgrimage to commemorate the centenary of the Great War and a service to help communities research the stories of those who fought and died and provide a legacy for the future.

Frank Baldwin

6 thoughts on “ABOUT”

  1. Frank

    Blogs are a great way to keep people informed about what is happening in the subject world. It’s great to see you have set one up – I will be sure to promote it amongst my friends and colleagues.



  2. I was just searching for 2nd RHA at Knightsbridge and found your excellent blog. My latest book covers infantry artillery and armoured combat February – 14th May 1941 and may be of interest to you. I am particularly interested in covering the 25-Pdr in anti-tank combat wherever details can be found.

  3. Your entries on the 53rd Bolton mention the 53rd Field Regiment War Diary.
    Can you tell me what and where this is please?

  4. Hello ! Bonjour !
    En réponse à vos recherches au sujet de l’observatoire Napoléon, je vous informe que Jules Tarlier et Alphonse Wauters, historiens ont publié “Géographie et Histoire des communes de Belgique, Bruxelles 1873” commune de Lillois (où se trouve l’observatoire), page 63 : “SOL. Le terrain est peu accidenté; les pentes les plus sensibles sont celles de la vallée du Hain. Le point culminant est à l’extrémité septentrionale du bois du Caillois, à l’endroit où le gouvernement avait fait construire en 1814 un observatoire en bois, qui, selon une opinion généralement accréditée, mais erronée, servit à Napoléon pendant la bataille de la Belle-Alliance, et que le vent renversa l’hiver suivant.”

    1. Thank you. I understand from google translate that
      Jules Tarlier and Alphonse Wauters, historians have published “Geography and History of the municipalities of Belgium, Brussels 1873” commune of Lillois (where the observatory is located), page 63: “SOL. The ground is not very broken; the most sensitive slopes are those of the Hain valley. The highest point is at the northern end of the Bois du Caillois, where the government had a wooden observatory built in 1814, which, according to a generally accredited, but erroneous, opinion was used by Napoleon during the battle of the Belle-Alliance, and which the wind knocked down the following winter. ”

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Military history, Battlefield heritage and Touring